Bertrand LUPART :: start

Fink: pike7.6-7.6.86-5 - Perl enabled

Enabling perl was quite easy: configure Pike with --with-perl.

After a compilation, it ends up with a new file /sw/lib/pike/pike7.6/modules/ linked against

  • /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
  • /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
  • /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices
  • /System/Library/Perl/lib/5.8/libperl.dylib
  • /usr/lib/libmx.A.dylib
Since it doesn't add any dependencies (all the linked files are available on a default installation), perl support won't be put into a separate package.

dynamic loading..... yes
threads............. yes (posix)
signal handler...... wait thread
cdebug.............. yes
rtldebug............ no
dmalloc............. no
mmx................. no (no mmx.h found)
byte code format.... ppc32
module reloc........ no
use machine code.... yes
int type............ long (4 bytes)
float type.......... double (8 bytes) (ieee big endian)
pointer size........ 4 bytes
svalue size......... 12 bytes (2+2+8)

Bz2................. yes (using libbz2) DVB................. no (dependencies failed) FFmpeg.............. yes (using libavcodec) GLUT................ no (dependencies failed) GTK................. yes GTK.GlArea.......... no (dependencies failed) GTK.GladeXML........ no (dependencies failed) Gdbm................ yes Gmp (bignums)....... yes (version 4.1.3, using libgmp) Gnome............... no (dependencies failed) Gz.................. yes (libz) Image............... yes Image.FreeType...... yes Image.GIF........... yes Image.JPEG.......... yes Image.SVG........... yes Image.TIFF.......... yes Image.TTF........... yes Image.XFace......... yes Java................ yes (/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/../../JavaVM ) Kerberos............ yes MIME................ yes Math................ yes Math.Transforms.FFT. yes Mird................ no (libmird/mird.h not found) Mysql............... yes (libmysqlclient) Nettle.............. yes Odbc................ yes Oracle.............. no (dependencies failed) PDF.PDFlib.......... yes PDF.Panda........... no (dependencies failed) Perl................ yes Postgres............ yes Regexp.PCRE......... yes (libpcre) SDL................. yes SDL_mixer........... no (dependencies failed) Ssleay.............. no (use --with-ssleay to compile it) sybase.............. no (dependencies failed)

See installation instructions: [external]

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Installing Pike on darwin/MacOS X

Instead of tirelessly repeat here or in the CVS README file how to build, test and hack the Fink pike7.6 packages on MacOS X, this is now done once on the Pike Wiki: [external]

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Fink: pike7.6-7.6.86-4

A has been made available by the Pike team.

The fink info and patch files have been sent to the mailing list and should be available in the CVS soon.

What's new?

  • compilation on i386 (thanx to;
  • testsuites are no more installed with the package;
  • better SplitOff;
  • added SVG, PostgreSQL and ffmpeg support;
Please have a look at the README file in the CVS if you plan to build the package yourself, it will save you many CPU cycles because building the packages yourself requires a lot of dependencies.

I can provide binary packages for PowerPC. Please ask on the using the [Fink] header. It should be possible to provide i386 packages too.

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Fink: nettle-1.14-4

Daniel Macks (dmacks) found 1 more problem on the last nettle package i submitted to the Fink team.

The summary can be viewed here: [external]

Thanx to, this package has been made usable on Intel Macs.

The file has been posted to the mailing and will hopefully be in the CVS soon.

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Beware of the chmod

One facet of my paid job is to host thousands of dynamic websites on a Caudium server.

We use a bunch of custom 2nd level virtual hosting related modules as well as many custom RXML tags and containers to help our webmasters to builds websites and do complex applications, like online shops. And for the curious, we host some PHP apps too.

We noticed the performance of our webserver was decreasing for the last weeks. The sites were served more slowly and the load average of the Linux server went higher.

The 'ps' and 'top' command regularly showed the processus 'pike' on state 'D' (= uninterruptible sleep), which means we were waiting for some I/O.

We worked to find the bottleneck: all of our modules were audited and optimized, with little success: they should have been done the right way from the beginning :) We checked the Caudium configuration and some parts of the Caudium code, but nothing seemed to be wrong here either. Stracing Caudium didn't showed something usefull.

Then, we went down the filesystem. From what i could read on the net, ReiserFS could handle easily theses thousands of directories and files. So, nothing should be wrong here.

Thus, i was stuck in front of my top, showing pike regularly being in state 'D'. By decreasing the delay interval to 1 second (top -d1), i saw that when pike was in status 'D', a chmod process sometimes briefly showed up in the process list, on 'D' state itself.

After investigating, it appeared a shell script invoqued by the crontab was changing the permissions on some hundreds megabytes of data every minute on this server.

These data were never accessed by Caudium, it wasn't website data. But, they were on the same partition, and it was sufficient to dramatically slow down the webserver and some other services.

Since these data were constantly growing, 'chmod' took more and more time to complete, more and more slowing down other processes that accessed this filesystem.

The script being now fixed, my Caudium server happily serves its websites under a low load.

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The open source model

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Caudium 1.5: System limits

Ever wanted to figure out the system limits for your Caudium server?

I did, because my busy Caudium box sometimes died with the following message: "Out of sockets (1024 active)".

I tried to increase the system limits before trying to reduce the number of used sockets in my own Caudium modules, but the operating system doc wasn't really clear. As a consequence, i wasn't sure i increased them well.

That's why it's know possible to know the current limits via the Caudium Configuration Interface (CIF), under Actions -> Status -> Limits Status.

The code is here: [external] It's totally backward-compatible with Caudium 1.4. My production servers are started with a custom start-caudium script which increases the limits at startup time and sports this CIF code.

Some options should be added in the CVS soon for being able to increase the limits at startup time.

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Caudium 1.5: Incomplete CGI/uniscript pages fixed (available for Caudium 1.4 now)

I had some problems with on my darwin box and on some Debian Sarge machines. With the, the problem has been hopefully fixed.

Sometimes these modules couldn't write the data on their output file descriptor and hung. The fix was to have a callback for writing the data once the file descriptor can accept them. There's a new option ins the Caudium configuration interface which limit the real time the CGI module should wait for this callback. It's labelled "Limits: Timeout when network buffer is full".

Detailed fix for incomplete CGI pages: [external];r2=1.56;cvsroot=caudium;f=h

The fix is available on CVS head for now, up from 1.60 and is totally compatible with Caudium 1.4. It should be backported soon and be available on forthcoming Caudium 1.4.8.

What can you see in your debug log now?

  • CGI:Wrapper::done() Some data from the buffer hasn't been sent, yet
This means the CGI module was unable to send its data. It's now waiting for a callback for writing them. That's just a warning, in most cases, the module will get the callback and data will be written.
  • CGI:Wrapper::destroy() killed while there was still data in the buffer
The CGI module was waiting for a callback (see the previous warning), but the callback didn't happened before the "Timeout when network buffer is full" options. The request have been aborted, the page won't be totally sent to the client.

Check out for more informations.

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Fink: pike7.6-7.6.66-3

Here's the latest Pike 7.6 (7.6.66) for Fink packaging system. Thoses packages have been tested using MacOS X 10.4.4 (darwin 8.4.0) on PowerPC.

The problems i had in the first packages attempts seems related to building the documentation.

The and pike7.6.patch files should be available in Pike 7.6 CVS soon.

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Fink: pike7.6-7.6.66-1 (unreleased)

While there is a new Pike 7.6 stable release (7.6.66) available at [external] since 30 of january, i didn't released any Fink package for it.

The reason is that i'm facing a weird problem with nettle on this version which wasn't obvious to solve.

I was a bit busy with something else for now, but i expect finding the clue soon.

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